Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Making Sense of Social Media


Sophie GibsonIt can be safely said that most executives understand that social media is very important to any business. The key question though is how do you get it to translate to the bottom-line.

If you know me well, you know that I admire and love Mckinsey & Company. Who else does strategy the way they do. Wait a minute - Sojo does - without the McKinsey price tag!

I invite you to listen in to their video series with McKinsey partners as they show that by mapping social-media initiatives to different stages of the consumer decision journey, companies can prioritize investments and provide customers with exceptional brand experiences. They offer examples of companies that are doing the job well and outline the challenges executives face as they try to align multiple departments and functions to harness the opportunity. Listen and give me your feedback - join in the conversation on Sojo's Facebook.

Click here

Sophie L. Gibson

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sojo's Portfolio

A quick portfolio review of some the work we do for our clients - Combining the strongest elements of research, strategy, design, marketing and technology.