Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Listen While You Work
"...stay off Mr. Johnson's lawn ba da pa ba da pa pa..." These are just a few lyrics that are running through my head as I "listen and work" to the sounds of Terrence Howard. Howard's debut album "Shine Through It" is what I like to call easy listening. It's a mixture of old school soul, Raphael Saadiq, and Terrence's "Band of kings" -which is the name of his band. As I'm listening to the music I can't help but to think of James Bond, and the song "Love Makes You Beautiful," would be a perfect fit for one of Bond's international spy scenes. In my personal opinion, Howard's vocals aren't as smooth and elegant as a Reuben Studdard or Lionel Richie; meaning he would be the first to get the boot from American Idol. What keeps me listening and what makes Howard so unique is his passion and confidence to sing. Howard's voice sounds rough but it's a consistent harmony so he transitions wells and it's a nice change. With Terrence's heart and personal experience thrown into his lyrics, and the engaging sounds of the band, the cd comes together. I would definitely recommend added this cd to any collection.
“Whistle while you work," or in my case listening to music while I work helps to calm the nerves when things start to get a little busy. Does music spark my creativity? Has music given me the latest and greatest idea for my next marketing campaign? Not yet... but music is soothing, it slaps boredom in the face, it keeps me focused and it helps me to remain productive while working.
Check out the entire cd at www.imeem.com/terrencehoward.
What does music do for you during your 9 to 5?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Twitter This, Twitter That

Twitter, one of the newest social networking sites, has steadily been gaining momentum. According to TwitDir, a Tweeter directory, an estimated 2.1 million people or organizations are using Twitter today. This micro-blogging service allows users to send text-based “tweets” (updates) ranging up to 140 characters long. Users can update their Twitter and receive updates from the Twitterers they follow via the Twitter website, instant messaging, SMS, RSS, email or through an application such as Facebook.
What does this mean to you? Well, Twitter can be used as a marketing tool since, essentially, it’s a blog. And blogs help a brand to enhance their online presence. Some in the marketing industry have even compared it to an online water cooler – a place where people can bounce around ideas, talk about current events, or ask for advice.
In fact, many well-known organizations are jumping on the Twitter bandwagon, such as Whole Foods, which uses the tool to inform followers of any specials they can currently find at the store. Dell employees aim to give a human touch to the company as they tweet about their life at Dell. According to Wired News, NASA even used Twitter to break the news of what appeared to be the discovery of water ice on Mars by the Phoenix Mars Lander. CNN uses it to report sport highlights or to report breaking news. Even Barack Obama and Paula Deen, Food Network’s Queen, use Twitter to update their followers on the day-to-day events they have planned.
Twitter blogging can be both informational and entertaining, and because it’s limited to 140 characters, the tweets are short and sweet. It’s less commitment than a blog (although blogs are recommended) and very simple to maintain. The user provides all the content, however, other Twitterers (in your Twitter network) are able to comment on whatever you post, but for the most part Twitter blogging is relatively controlled, therefore providing a positive voice for your organization.
I know, if you haven't seen this before, you are like, "what?" I came across this last week and was wondering the same thing. Why are there Chucky Dolls at a Jessica Simpson sound check? That is the most random thing! Then, I realize it must have been some sort of promo.
Actors dressed at Chucky Dolls roamed the streets of New York to promote the upcoming release of Child's Play 20th Anniversary DVD. Now that is certainly a great promotion. Not only do these real live dolls permeate your brain, but they can dance too!
Watch in the video above as one does the robot and one does the rodeo dance moves! Ha ha.
Photo Courtesy of The Atlanta-Journal Constitution
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sojo Wins American Graphic Design Award!

Sojo will be presented in the December 2008 issue of Graphic Design USA Magazine for their promotional piece, "Do you know Sojo?" Great job to our Art Director, Paige!

Stride Gum's Viral Marketing
While looking for another video on YouTube I came across this amazing video of some unknown guy dancing around the world. It peaked my interest. Who is this guy and why is he dancing (horribly) around the globe?
Well, apparently the guy's name is Matt. Matt was a tired of his job so he quit it and decided to travel instead. His signature dance got caught on film while he was on his trip and next thing you know friends were passing it around the internet. Eventually it got into the hands of Stride Gum, which is not entirely impossible in this digital age. Stride liked it so much they decided to send him on a 6 month trip through 39 countries on all 7 continents...to do his dance, of course. Matt enjoyed the 6 month trip so much he decided to ask Stride to send him on another one, only this time...he would invite all the people that wrote him emails to come out and dance with him. Stride happily obliged.
Why did Stride spend the money to send Matt on this trip and make a website about it? Well, we're talking about it now...
Stride's Gum. Check out Matt's Place.
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