Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sojo, Inc now on Facebook
Sojo, Inc. Facebook Page
RSS Feeds Right to Your Inbox
If you have a favorite blog (like the Sojo Lounge blog) or website that regularly updates its content, you can subscribe to its RSS feed. However, not every site has syndicated its content, in other words, it is not accessible via a RSS feed.
RSS feeds can be read using software called RSS Reader, Feed Reader, or News Aggregator. This software allows you to grab the RSS feeds from various sites and display them conveniently in one place for you to read. My Yahoo, Bloglines, and Google Reader are popular web-based feed readers. Disney, Wired, CNN, and Forbes are among some of the sites that syndicate their content.
Many blogs and website have icons on their site that indicate they syndicate their content. This icon is the most recognizable representation of a RSS Feed.

From that icon, you can usually subscribe directly to that website's content, however every website is different.
You can subscribe to our blog by going to the "Subscribe to our RSS Feed" feature. There you will see the icon above. Click on "Posts" and you will see several options. You can get Sojo Lounge full blog posts to several of the most popular web-based feed reader software as described earlier. You can go directly to our RSS feed url by clicking on the "Atom" option. Using the drop down menu, you can opt to have the RSS feed delivered straight to your Outlook inbox.
Happy RSSing!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Business Holiday Cards: To send or not to send?
So, the question is: To send out business holiday cards or not to send out?
The answer is yes. Now more than ever, companies and organizations should be sending out holiday greetings to their customers, clients, and business associates.
Here's why:
Warm Fuzzies
Your customers will appreciate the gesture. You can in turn, show your existing customers you appreciate their business. Whether you are sending a card to a customer you've had for years or to a potential customer, they will be happy you thought of them. Sending out greetings is a way to touch base with customers, nurture business relationships, and enhance customer loyalty.
Name Recognition
Name recognition lends credibility to your brand. Credibility is great for business.
Impression is Everything
Sending out holiday greetings gives your company an opportunity to stand out and make a good impression. And if you do design work, like we do, it gives also you a chance to show off what you can do by sending out your own creative holiday cards.
Head Start to Upcoming Year
The holidays are the perfect time to create or update your customer list. This list will proved to be useful throughout the upcoming year throughout all your marketing efforts. By sending out holiday cards, you will know that your customer list is updated at least once a year (given that you actually take the time update your list). It is very important that you update this list every year. Businesses merge and companies move to different locations, not to mention you've probably made a good many business contacts throughout that year that should be included.
Now that you know why you should send holiday greetings to your business contacts, here are a few things to remember:
Your Message
Keep in mind that not everyone has the same beliefs. "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Holidays" are generally some of the safe bets. Conveying the right message inside of your card for your audience is crucial. Also, the message you convey represents your company, so choose wisely.
Avoid the Rush
Remember that post offices across the country will be extremely busy during the holiday season, so to be sure your cards arrive on time, aim to mail out your cards before or during the first week of December.
Personal Touch
A handwritten address on the envelope and a hand-signed card can go a long way. It avoids that "mass mailing" look and shows your customer that you genuinely cared enough to take the time out and personally sign the car.
Interactive Greetings
The same ideas above should be applied to interactive cards. Of course, the "personal touch" aspect changes. It should still be applied, just applied differently. With interactive cards you can personalized them to your audience, and even send out specific cards to specific parts of your audience. Interactive cards should sent in a timely manner. Unless they are wishing a happy new year, cards should be sent out before the holidays. Otherwise, it is kind of like showing up for a parade that's already passed by.
Take a look at our interactive greeting.

Simple, Yet Often Forgotten
- Include your company name, logo/branding, and website on everything you print
- Business cards
- Company stationery with matching envelopes (with branding)
- Product labels
- Packaging
- In your phone greeting and/or hold message
- Signs in your office or store
- Trade show displays
Perhaps the simplest of all is in your email signature. Imagine how many emails you send out per day and how many potential people or markets you could be might be surprise how far your business could go just by placing your url in that little corner of your email.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Investing in Change
When one is hired for a job, a particular skill level and talent is expected for job performance. Technology, market strategy, and communication are forever updating and changing. With a new President whose campaign motto is “Change,” how do we keep up? Technology and knowing how to use technology goes hand-in-hand, therefore training is vital for any business.
Investing in the wrong training for your employees can be costly and useless. Here are a few things the boss should consider, ask and do before signing the dotted line:
∙ Interview the prospective trainer
∙ How will the training benefit our company?
∙ Find out what your employees think will be useful for the company?
Once training has begun the boss should periodically check with the trainer to see how his/her employees are learning and performing. The boss should also check the employees’ views on the trainer.
Finding out what works best for your employees can help make the decision of hiring a trainer or not. Other revenues should be considered such as DVD training, how to books, etc. Why pay to outsource when you can have it done in-house? Investing and setting aside time for specific training can cut the cost of outsourcing, bring new business and increase the overall quality of your company.
Don’t fire your employee, upgrade them!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A Peace of Mind in a Struggling Economy

With headlines reading bankruptcy and foreclosure at every corner, isn’t it time to gain a sense of peace. Recent surveys are reporting that 8 out of every 10 Americans are stressed about the security of their future. I believe that one should stabilize their mental, physical and spiritual state of mind, before making important decisions about their future, especially if they have suffered the loss of their job or major investments in this economy.
Taking a day or two to rest is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I propose taking a weekend to explore the beauty of nature and ease your mind of the cares of life. Fall is in and we are in the perfect season to see nature at its finest. The trees are colorful and the atmosphere is serene. Go hiking, find a bike trail, and explore the habitats of wildlife. Don’t let anxiety or depression sneak up on you; take the initiative to focus on something more positive.
Nature is just one way to maintain sanity, find what works best for you. Massage therapist, date night etc.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Obama + marketing = winner
Even more amazing to me is Obama's campaign - aside from his policies, plans, and views, there's his marketing. As someone that works in the marketing industry, I was able to see both sides to Obama - the presidental and the marketing. He was everywhere and purposely made sure of that - MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Even his website links to a number of social networks - Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, Flickr, Digg, Twitter, Linkedin - to name a few. His website is crisp, clean, and user-friendly and his messages, plans, and stances on issues are clear on the website. He has a section of downloadables, his website is personalized for you, and there was even a website created solely for the purpose of addressing smears.
I followed him on Twitter and got up-to-the-minute updates. Someone from his camp even updated his Twitter the moment the news was announced that he would become the president-elect. I know, I checked. :)
On top of that, Obama even purchased ad space (the first presidential candidate to ever do so) in video games such as XBox 360's "Madden 09" or "Guitar Hero."

Countless artists have rendered their creations in support such as the famous "Hope" poster.

Musicians have written and infused his speeches into their music.
And Obama's presence on YouTube is unmeasurable.
The amount of content that Obama supporters have created is simply astounding! It's no wonder Ad Age named Obama 2008's Marketer of the Year! Obama truly embraced the social networks and the viral marketing world and made it work for him instead of against him. No doubt, he set the pace and the path for the presidential candidates after him.
Obama’s Win Offers a New Brand for America

I expected President Elect Obama to win the elections last Tuesday night but I was unprepared for the wave of emotions that swept through me when I realized what had really just happened. I have worked in the world of marketing and technology for almost 20 years and have had the chance to work across all party lines with democrats and republicans, black and white, old and young, rich and poor and this is the first time in our history a brand has managed to speak to ALL - Globally!!
What President Obama has accomplished, no matter your affiliation, you have to admit has been profound! His win represents a new beginning for all of America and the World. It’s a break away from past ideology and way of thinking. We are back to the reason of why I followed my dreams and came to America – “The land of opportunity where anything is possible with hard work, faith and determination”.
A strong message was sent around the globe…America is the world leader, they are democratic and progressive. As Americans we cannot forget that the World is always watching us and in the last few years most people outside the U.S. from Africa to Europe saw us as “The U.S. against everyone else.” The feeling now is that America has changed with this election and the World will be a safer place for all of us that live on this globe.
Without a doubt Barack Obama's win has given Brand America the immediate boost it so badly needed. But Brand America now has some serious work to do. Let’s all roll up our sleeves as the real work starts NOW!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Sojo Wins Davey Award!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
1960's President comes back to talk about environmental issues and reporters get beamed up!
Greenpeace recently launched a digitally altered video of one of JFK's most famous speeches for their new digital ad campaign.
Frankly, it's kind of creepy to me, but the fact that they can take video of one of our presidents speaking in the 1960's and altered it so that he is addressing issues pertinent to today is amazing! The question is would JFK have agreed with this video's stance?
Another very interesting form of technology was used for the first time during the election coverage. Hologram interviews!
I am still trying to figure the relevance of seems like it sort of loses a personal touch.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Ask your Boss for Dual Monitors

Dual monitors are a treat for those who need to run several applications simultaneously. The ability to jump back and forth from monitors, drag and drop items from one application to the next without having to select the application on the menu bar is a major time saver. Dual monitors in the workplace are common for many professions such as broadcast designers, architects, graphic designers, etc.
Some of you may be thinking, “Why do I need dual monitors?”
Here’s why:
• Dual monitors are great for organization.
• Experts have recorded an average 25% increase in work flow and productivity with the usage of dual monitors.
• View several program applications simultaneously.
• One monitor can be used for work and design purposes, while the other monitor is used to search the internet or rapidly view incoming emails.
• Purchasing additional video memory (VRAM) may be required to boost the visual performance for the second monitor since both monitors are now feeding off of one video adaptor.
• Purchasing an additional monitor, but in most cases purchasing two monitors are less expensive than one large monitor.
At work, I have the luxury of working on dual monitors. I only regret going home to a single monitor.
Monday, November 3, 2008
You Can Vote However You Like.
Here are their lyrics to the song:
Obama on the left
McCain on the right
We can talk politics all night
And you can vote however you like
You can vote however you like, yeah
Democratic left
Republican right
November 4th we decide
And you can vote however you like
You can vote however you like, yeah
(McCain supporters)
McCain's the best candidate
With Palin as his running mate
They'll fight for gun rights, pro life,
The conservative right
Our future is bright
Better economy in site
And all the world will feel our military might
(Obama supporters)
But McCain and Bush are real close right
They vote alike and keep it tight
Obama's new, he's younger too
The Middle Class he will help you
He'll bring a change, he's got the brains
McCain and Bush are just the same
You are to blame, Iraq's a shame
Four more years would be insane
Lower your Taxes - you know Obama Won't
PROTECT THE LOWER CLASS - You know McCain won't!
Have enough experience - you know that they don't
STOP GLOBAL WARMING - you know that you won't
I want Obama
Stick with McCain and you're going to have some drama
We need it
He'll be it
We'll do it
Let's move it
Obama on the left
McCain on the right
We can talk politics all night
And you can vote however you like
You can vote however you like, yeah
Democratic left
Republican right
November 4th we decide
And you can vote however you like, I said
You can vote however you like, yeah
I'm talking big pipe lines, and low gas prices
Below $2.00 that would be nice
But to do it right we gotta start today
Finding renewable ways that are here to stay
I want Obama
Stick wit McCain you gone have some drama
Iran he will attack
We gotta vote Barack!
Obama on the left
McCain on the right
We can talk politics all night
And you can vote however you like, I said
You can vote however you like, yeah
Democratic left
Republican right
November 4th we decide
And you can vote however you like, I said
You can vote however you like, yeah
If you don't know the story of how the Ron Clark Academy started, you should. It's really inspirational. It was even made into a tv movie starring Matthew Perry as Ron Clark.