Wednesday, March 30, 2011
More than 30 Social Media Stats on Video - Transformed All our Lives
From Erik Qualman's Blog
Monday, March 28, 2011

I earned my bragging rights today for being an early adopter to LinkedIn. After announcing earlier this week that it passed the 100 million user mark, professional networking site LinkedIn sent emails to its early users on Saturday, March 26, 2011 thanking them and telling them exactly when they joined.
I received my e-mail from LinkedIn Co-Founder and Chairman, Reid Hoffman on Saturday and although I was one of 1 million recipients I realized once again how dead on I was in predicting the social media phenomena. I happened to be member number 530915 in fact!* The email, signed by LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman himself says “In any technology adoption lifecycle, there are the innovators, those who help lead the way. That was you.” This email also served as a reminder of how quickly social media spreads – in just a few years you can go from 1,000,000 followers to more than 100,000,000.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Four Ways To Get Your Legal Department On Your Side When Implementing Social Media Strategies

- It always helps to approach your legal department with a written document that outlines a social media plan that will already have accounted for any concerns they might have as to the risk of being active in the social media space.
- Even slow industries are getting their feet wet in the social media space. Subtle remind your legal department that being slow to adopt gives your competitors the edge – but DO NOT forget that once you turn on the social media facet you can’t just turn off the tap!
- Work with your legal department to come up with a plan for dealing with the risks that might come to pass. Don’t just avoid social media – having a plan always works.
- Help your legal team understand that using social media can help protect your company in many ways, from the risk of your brand eroding in the public’s eyes as well as being misunderstood.